4 Advantages of Choosing a WordPress Hosting Provider



Every web hosting provider offers excellent features and services.

A customer may fail in getting complaint-free hosting in some time. Even having a good-performing website, an inadequate host can drag you to lower. So it is time to look forward and find new sources of affordable web hosting providers.

If you are struggling with such an issue with your current host, you must try any reliable WordPress hosting services. Choosing WordPress hosting can help to avoid any unwanted situations that may affect in future technically and financially.

According to a website, uptime and loading speed are equally maters the performance. It is the parameters that evaluate the success of your site. Here we are discussing a few points on the advantages of choosing a WordPress hosting provider for your site. It is a useful reference for those searching for a solution for technical issues related to the website.

1. High Website Loading Times

Loading speed matters a lot. According to the statistics, having more than three second loading times has a high bounce rate. There is the chance of a website visitors exit rate (without any interaction) is high. This situation is very crucial in the case of an eCommerce site. Here customers are looking for a page that loads in less than one second. That means it matters from a marketing perspective because there are numerous users’ choices, so there is no need to resolve site loading time lag.

Multiple tools help check the website loading time in different locations, like Google page speed Insight, GTmatrix, etc. These tools can give a clear picture of your live website speed results. If it shows your site is slow, then you should go with optimization recommendations in the report. Here are the common suggestions that get from the information added below

  • Poor Server Configuration

These shows may be your server might not support PHP 7, roughly twice as fast as PHP 5.

  • Too many users on the same server

It is a common issue facing a small website that is using a shared hosting provider. Due to the limited server resources site get to hang when the visit gets high.

  • A lack of strategically placed data centers

This issue depends upon the server location. If the physical distance is between visitors and your servers are high, it will take longer to load.

You may coordinate with your hosting support team to resolve this issue. If you are not satisfied after the optimization, you might think about switching to independent web hosting and recommended go for a WordPress hosting provider.

2. Deal Issues with Backend, i.e., WordPress Dashboard

Since WordPress is a CMS platform, backend interactions are going through the dashboard. Everything from content uploading, customization is managing from there. If your web host is not that much compactable, it will take a long loading time for the WordPress dashboard.

As we know that the impact of if the site goes slow when users are browsing the website in the previous section, and the same will happen in the backend section too. If you are taking too much time switching between two tabs in the dashboard, it affects your productivity and time. It should take into serious if you want to succeed with the site.

These issues are related to your hosting provider, sometimes because of plug-in or caching configuration issues. Anyway, it should take it as a priority and need to find a WordPress friendly host for your website.

3. Downtime is Retards your site’s Traffic

Downtime is the situation where the site is not available to users. At that time shows an error that “site can’t be reached” in the browser.

Major problems you may have due to the server downtime is that

  • Loss of Potential Customers
  • High bounce rate
  • Lack of Reputation
  • Conversion Rate will go down

Nowadays, most of the hosting providers have excellent uptime results that 99% uptime. It means a lot, but do not neglect the 1 % downtime. It matters; this indicates that there is a loss that happened due to downtime. So it is a big deal. Going for a reliable platform specially dedicated to WordPress hosting service can serve you with 99.90% uptime for maintaining steady online Traffic.

There are many sites available for measuring areas average uptime; use this free tool like Uptime RobotUPDown.io. And decide where your server meets your requirements or not.

4. Costly hosting Plans and Budget

Maintaining servers will sometimes hurt your budget. But now it should not affect you because there are many budgeted WordPress hosting plans are available with excellent performance statics. Now with the least expense, you can host WordPress for top-notch performance.

You don’t need to bother about the results as the plan expense goes less. It’s a fact that a more expensive plan can offer you more features and effects. But it does not matter; you should only look for what you need. That is

Budget Saving – Paying significantly less every month helps to save more money in the long-term. No need to waste overpaying for servers anymore.

Expensive Not Always Better Choice –

You can see that top-performing plans available for WordPress hosting at cheap rates. It indicates that what matters.

It recommends a budget hosting strategy. You never stuck with these basic plans; whenever you need an upgrade or demand, more features go for better options.


It matters you focus on the above points for succeeding with your website. Do not hesitate to choose a web host you can rely on. If you are okay with your current hosting provider, it doesn’t mean that changing it will get better situated. There are so many highly performing WordPress Hosting available around; finding a suitable host that meets your requirements will help you a lot.

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